Easter with a Narcissist

Happy Easter 2023 everyone!

This is one of the holidays that just brought irritation to my spouse. We did not celebrate in the religious way, but more so as a day to spend with family. This to him was more of an obligation. There was not a way for him to show off by buying gifts. It was also not a time for the attention to be on him. To top it off, we had to spend part of Easter with my in-laws (his parents).

Finding Ways to Show Off

Last Easter was right after we had lost our three foster daughters. I was feeling a lot of emotions because I was going to make them baskets and we were going to get a play set for the backyard. Therefore, I decided that I emotionally needed to put that giving energy into our dog instead. I made a basket for our dog using items that we already had in the house. It had dog toys that I hadn’t given him yet, a dog chew, and a few dog treats hidden in eggs. This was something that my ex-husband was very excited about, but he didn’t do any of the work to put it together. Instead, he decided to take credit for the idea of the basket for the dog and took the picture that I had taken and shared it around as if it was something he had done. I am still very happy that I did it. Our dog was happy and I was happy.

An Easter to Remember

My most memorable Easter moment with my ex-husband was with my mother-in-law. We brought games over to their house so that we could do something besides just talk. Talking was never an enjoyable experience. The downside, my mother-in-law took muscle relaxers and drank a ton of alcohol. She was quite tipsy and therefore was being extra talkative during the game. I made a move in the game that caused her to lose a turn. She screamed at me and said, “Well you little B****”. For some people this may not be a big deal. However, I do not use that language and I certainly don’t want that language screamed at me. I was shaken up and my ex-husband just said “woah”. My brother in law and father in law took up for me in that moment and reprimanded her for it. This was just one of the many times that he let his mother talk down to me and it taught me that I had to just take it because he didn’t care. I also learned that I needed to not win at games with them because it would result in intense anger.

In Conclusion

Holidays can be very challenging when you are with a narcissist. They need for the attention to be on them and for everything to be about them. So when it isn’t all about them, it becomes a problem. Easter is not the only holiday that my ex-husband treated me poorly on, but it was certainly one of them. This Easter I am very excited because I do not have to go to my in-laws house. I won’t be treated in an aggressive manner by him or his mom. I can just relax and enjoy it with my family.