Hope is a Powerful Thing

I was reminded this morning of a very important message, and I want to share that message with all of you. I was reminded of the power of hope. This is extra important during the holiday season that we are in. The holiday season can be incredibly difficult for many people in a variety of situations. What we see on social media and on TV are perfect versions of the holidays. No one can hold up to this expectation (at least not all of the time). You may be experiencing the holidays without someone you care about. Maybe you are out of work. You might be ill. Someone you care deeply for may be on a journey of addiction. Perhaps you wish you could conceive a child. Or you might be experiencing depression or anxiety. Especially this time of the year, you may feel like there is no hope.

Reasons to Have Hope

When you are struggling and especially when you have been struggling for a long time, it can be easy to lose sight of hope. You may feel like nothing will ever get better for you. I am here to tell you that this is not true. Will there be days/moments you feel this way. Yes, absolutely. Know that you are not alone in these moments and when you can, try to find those branches of hope reaching out for you.

  • That friend, family member, or co-worker who takes the time to reach out to you
  • Being in a safe place away from an abusive partner (even if the place isn’t ideal)
  • Finally hearing back on a job offer (even if it isn’t the perfect job)
  • Your loved one with addiction decides to enter rehab
  • Someone you haven’t heard from in a while makes a bit of time for you
  • A random stranger gives you a compliment

These branches do not have to be huge things. They likely will not solve your struggles, but they bring that bit of hope that things do not have to stay as they are forever.

Why This is so Important!

At this point you may be wondering why it is so important to find these branches of hope. You may say that you have been struggling for a really long time and nothing seems to be changing. That is the thing about life, it happens on its own timeline. It is never on the timeline that you think it should happen in. But that doesn’t mean that it will never happen. Take an example that I love. A bag of popcorn kernels. They all begin cooking at the same time- but they do not all pop at the same time. It takes longer for some of the kernels to reach their full potential. And when they pop, they are just as delicious as the kernels that popped earlier.

When we lose hope that our kernel will ever pop, it becomes harder for us to reach our full potential. We may decide to stop trying. We quit applying to those jobs, stop working out, don’t hang out with friends/family, etc. Perhaps we turn to a vice that is not beneficial to us like drugs or excessive alcohol. In some cases we may even decide that self harm is our only way out. When we succumb to these things and stop trying, we will only go downhill. We will stop enjoying the parts of life that we can. Although it does not solve our struggles, it will brighten our day and give us that encouragement to keep going.

So to all of you, I want to tell you that I see you. I see your struggle and I see the fight you are putting up each and every day (or moment to moment). You are brave, strong, and amazing (especially when you don’t think you are). Your time is coming and your kernel is going to pop. Don’t give up! We will get there!